Wednesday, March 12, 2008

First Posting

Hello, this is the first posting of the Ross Results, Inc. blog “Café Ross”.

I thought it was time to tell as many people as I can, more about what I do; and to provide insight and ideas about the various subject matters I am involved with each and every day. I like to think of myself as "Corporately Bred and Clinically Trained". I have spent many years in significant corporate leadership roles and also maintain a part time clinical therapy practice.

Not withstanding my passion for knowledge, strategic planning, and execution, it is my strongest assertion that the discriminator for success is the people process, and the ability to tap into the human condition. Simply stated, the aforementioned contention, was and is the compelling case for founding Ross Results, and is central to all our offerings.

As I come upon my 10 year anniversary in this business, I am even more passionate about helping individuals and companies grow through Coaching-Mentoring-Advising and Training than I was in the early years.

The reasons for Ross Results’ existence are even more of an imperative now, during these times of change, rough seas, and ecconomic crisis. We are a nation full of people looking for leadership as exempified by the democratic primaries. In my view, our nations families and children are also looking for leadership and direction more than ever. It is our families and neighbors whom populate our businesses today. Therefore, it should be no surprise to any of us, that our nations employess/workers seek and require leaders and mentors in the workplace.

Leadership and professional development are at a premium in today’s workplace. With the reduction of middle management over the last 25-30 years, companies find that they simply do not have the internal leadership bench strength and talent pool they once had.

The resident mentors and coaches which were part of the American business landscape through the 1950’s 1960’s, 1970’s and the early 1980’s, have simply been decimated by the instabilities and restructuring which companies face today. The cradle-to-grave employment does not exist as anything more than a vague memory. In too many cases profit pressures has caused Corporate America to let the leadership talent pool get cut to the bone. We have tried to live on the intellect of our employee base, but have in fact left behind the basis of visioning, leadership, value propositioning, and in some cases a work ethic that was once taken for granted.

The time is now to impact the areas that will help us resurge as business leaders throughout the world. Ross Results specializes in this form of evidence-based consulting by means of our coaching, mentoring, advising, and training strategies and programs.

As the founder & Chief Coach-Mentor-Advisor, I would like to thank you for visiting my 1st blog. I welcome any comments and contacts. Feel free to visit my site


Anonymous said...

I agree that there is a need for leadership as well as many other things. Where in the company would you start to insert the coaching for leadership programs?

Rick Ross said...
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Rick Ross said...

Good question! I get that question often. In the best situation it is a perfect storm where all management crystallizes at the same moment in time and says let's do it.
Unfortunately that is rare. Therefore my answer is the best place to start is with yourself. Model the behavior you want and it will begin to take hold. There is a great article entitles, "professional development starts with you". A Google search should find it. I think it was HBR January 2008.

About Me

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Founder/CEO Ross Results, Inc. - Richard is an executive mentor, coach, an executive leader, and clinical therapist and has held Chief "C"- Level leadership positions with private, public, and not for profit, technology and service organizations. He has stewarded organizations through joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions, integrations, and ultimately, cultural transformations, both domestically and internationally. This global exposure has guided his professional skills with respect and insight into diversity in the workplace. Richard, in addition to providing performance coaching/mentoring, is a keynote motivational speaker, facilitates senior level workshops, and leadership retreats. Additionally, Richard serves on committees and corporate advisory boards in support of our National Defense and Homeland Security. In 1998 he founded Ross Results, Inc., an idea born in his early days in Corporate America.