Monday, April 7, 2008

The Jerk Factor

Today I was awakened with a discussion on CNN of a descriptive personality measurement called the "Jerk Factor". I was completely tuned into that discussion from the moment I opened my eyes.

I think this is a tremendous step forward. Finally, a nice guy can get in the game. It seems people are sick of working with "Jerks" that will do anything to anyone to get an advantage.

I have had one long exposure to a group composed of a pathological liar, a greedy narcissist with self loathing, and a shameless suck up cameleon that would sell the Brooklyn Bridge to his mother. That was then and it was acceptable, and it was under the cover of "it's just business". It was really "BS" then, and it is now. It continues when a dysfunctional approach works for the few; hence we can call that a corporate personality disorder.

In that same company I was told I was too moral to be a President......then I became a President anyway. The person who said that to me, while being a great man, meant what he said. He has long since passed away and I still think of that conversation with profound sadness.

Other support for change to a people centric world is a client I work with. They used to have an expression called the "A-Hol$" factor. The person could be a technical gem yet they had to pass that "A-Hol$" test. I proudly passed the test. Frankly, it is this client that has given me new life and belief, and replaces the tremendously negative impact of an organization with a high "Jerk" profile.

People work and live better when they feel safe to act and speak. People will grow tired of looking over their shoulder as a way of life.

It is the human process that will always make or break any organization!

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About Me

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Founder/CEO Ross Results, Inc. - Richard is an executive mentor, coach, an executive leader, and clinical therapist and has held Chief "C"- Level leadership positions with private, public, and not for profit, technology and service organizations. He has stewarded organizations through joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions, integrations, and ultimately, cultural transformations, both domestically and internationally. This global exposure has guided his professional skills with respect and insight into diversity in the workplace. Richard, in addition to providing performance coaching/mentoring, is a keynote motivational speaker, facilitates senior level workshops, and leadership retreats. Additionally, Richard serves on committees and corporate advisory boards in support of our National Defense and Homeland Security. In 1998 he founded Ross Results, Inc., an idea born in his early days in Corporate America.